Play Golf. Support Headwaters Health Centre

pulpit gulf club hole

Every year, Headwaters Health Centre via the Headwaters Health Care Foundation organizes a golf tournament – the Headwaters Golf Classic at the gorgeous Pulpit Club in Caledon.

This year’s Golf Classic will be held on June 6th, 2022 – and you’ll need to register right away if you want to participate! It sells out fast, and all proceeds go to the Headwaters Health Care Foundation, which exists to help raise funds for important needs at the hospital located in Orangeville.

Headwaters Health Centre is the major hospital located in Orangeville and that serves the surrounding area. It relies on donations and support from the community for funding for many things including new and/or replacement medical equipment, financing the ability to obtain new technologies, and providing efficient health care to the Orangeville community and surrounding areas including parts of Caledon, Mono, Shelburne, and including wider areas of Dufferin and Wellington Counties.

This year, we’re excited to be able to sponsor two tees! One in the name of Headwaters Home Improvement Centre, and the other in the name of Rapid Rentals, an affiliated business here at 4 Shamrock Rd, Erin, ON.


Date: June 6th, 2022
Time: 8:00AM

Where: The Pulpit Club

3035 Escarpment Side Road
Caledon, Ontario, L7C 2G8
519-941-2702 ext. 2309

We encourage you to support the Headwaters Health Care Foundation – and support the local businesses that support our local community health providers.

The 2021 Tournament raised $155,000.00 (NET)! Let’s see if we can match and/or beat that this year in 2022 with your help!

headwaters health care foundation golf tournament logo

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